
Topic: Career/Training

Pls. Define Party Wear And Classy Wear

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
what to wear if the invite mentions dress code as Party wear w/o jeans. Similarly what is meant by classy wear. (Both with ref. to men.)
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Party wear for men - dress slacks, button shirt (preferably long sleeves), dress shoes, sports coat.

    Classy wear for men - suit, tie or depending on the occasion, a tuxedo.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by jstiles on Accepted
    I've never heard those terms used to describe dress. I'm assuming they are somewhat similar to "semi-formal" and "formal" the former denoting suits/sportcoats but not necessarily a tie and the latter a tux.

    "party" feels like it allows a bit more personality than a straight business setting.

    here's another take...
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Classy involves her ladyship (That’s my ladyship!) wearing her tiara.

    Classy also denotes a lack of class – footballers girlfriends come to mind.

    But then again I’m English were semi-formal involves wearing a 30 year old tweed jacket, Semi-Formal also means lounge suit but is so naff that it means “Don’t Go”

    Formal denotes black tie your grandfather’s tails and Churches brogues.

    Women find it so much easier and they have huge choice and the intelligence to both choose something appropriate and gat away with wearing if they are off message.

    Best wishes from the turret of the family seat!

    Steve Alker

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