
Topic: Student Questions

Nike Swot

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Although the U.S. is Nike’s birthplace, the company operates in over 160 countries globally. Nike being an international firm engages in contract production in order to allocate low-cost production facilities and labor. The success of firm in a foreign market is positively associated with how they enter the market. Contractual Joint Ventures are agreements where local and foreign entities operate in joint business activities according to the terms and conditions implied in a venture contract. This mode of entry is most commonly used for low-cost value added export processing operations. The advantage of this mode of entry is both entities form a joint venture based on common interests and needs. However, Nike was at a disadvantage because compatible goals and complementary skills were not possessed.

Please help: I am having trouble analyzing the SWOT for Nike.
S: Strong Brand image
Loyal customer base
Market Presence
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    We don't do homework. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask. If you want to copy someone else's term paper:
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    SWOT, like all marketing tools are analysis tools and a SWOT assignment is about analyzing the company situation and not a book report. The grade is in the analysis process, not the answer.

    So let's look at the components of a SWOT analysis:

    First recognize that Strengths and Weaknesses are internal - so your analysis will look inward to the company.

    What elements internal to Nike can you identify as strengths? In particular, what elements can Nike use to develop competitive advantages and allow them to satisfy customer needs better than the competition? An example could be the Nike has better sports team use endorsement with then, say, New Balance or Adidas.

    Converse to strengths, what elements internal to Nike prevent them from satisfying customer demands as well as the competitors can? An example could higher cost associated Nike because of high profile marketing.

    Opportunities and Threats are environmental and outward looking.

    What elements outside of Nike could allow opportunities to arise to their benefit? An example might be new trade legislation from the new US leaders putting tariffs on Fila (from Korea).

    What elements outside of Nike exist or could arise to limit Nike's Success? An example could be the national attitude toward protectionism could mean import restrictions or tariffs on imported products - raising costs at Nike.

    A good list of potential SWOT areas to run through is at

    Just listing the categories given here won't be adequate to say you did a "SWOT." You will need to provide an example or description of how it fits Nike.

    You will be hard-pressed to find all these facts written out. In fact, since your assignment is to do the analysis – not find the right answer, that’s good. The analysis will be based on your interpretation and opinions. However, in any marketing analysis, nothing is based on pure opinion. Some analysis is based on "more solid" facts than others. For instance, if you have "personal experience" with a Nike store versus an Adidas store, where the employees are more knowledgeable, then your analysis would include this, based on a sample of one store of each type - with a note that more research is needed to test out this conclusion. If, however, you have researched the training of both stores and find that Nike's regime is more extensive versus Adidas and have sampled one store of each type and your experience bears out that Nike employees are more knowledgeable - then you have a stronger conclusion. Not rock solid, but better. If you know the training is better and you have statistically surveyed a significant sample of stores to prove this out, then you would have a conclusion with significant confidence.

    All of these cases I describe are fact based, not opinion. Some of the conclusions are less sure than others because there is less data on which to base it. When you discuss the conclusions you make based on the data, you also qualify it with a measure of the certainty of the data on which it is based. And if you can see a path to increase the confidence in the conclusion, mention that as well. This is the way marketing analysis is done in the real world and this process will be valid for you to use in your projects.

    I hope this helps


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