
Topic: Student Questions

Measuring Advertising Efforts

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello there,

The retail outlet that I am currently working for is one of the oldest in the town that has an old customer base. They had a chain of 12 stores under a single name. However, the situation now is different, as the partnership has ended in division of the outlets. They now have 5 stores. However, the same name is still being used by all with minor differences.

The environment in which the stores are operating has little concept of advertisement. Competitors are mostly counting on customer loyalty with negligibly insignificant advertisement and as mentioned earlier, so are we. However, our case is now different. Not many people know that the chain is no more a chain.

In order to promote its new look image advertisement on a large scale ($ terms) is being considered.

The question is how to measure our advertising efforts.

Do we go for pre advertisement & post advertisement surveys or pre and post sales to advertisement ratio be of any help or a combination of these along with other indicators, if any, serve the purpose?


ChEErs to all.

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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    Dear Atti

    I just had some queries, can you pls clarify them?

    - what kinda new look you are referring to? Name Change or Size Reduction??? you have mentioned that from 12 store chain your chain store has only 5 stores.
    - Are you trying to promote the image of 5-store-chain instead of a 12-store-chain???
    - what about other 7 stores, are they all part of another single chain?
    - whats the small name difference of these 7 stores from your 5-store-chain??

    Once you are clear what image you are projecting with Ad, then comes measuring ad effects. In my humble opinion, a combination of both you had mentioned will do better than any of the two but it all depends on what you are trying to achieve thru' the ads.

    Hope this helps. I will get back once you provide more information!

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Atti, you posted this in the Student category. Are you a student?

    If you're not, perhaps the moderator (Val) can move your question into the Metrics/ROI category for you.

    - Shelley
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Atti - what has happened with the other seven stores (there were twelve, now there are five since the partnership split)

    Are they operating the same concept but under a different brand-name? Or have they closed?

    Are you proposing to do anything to differentiate the five stores from the other seven, if they are now competitors? What will you be doing?

    What sort of stores are these five? Are there many other competitors?

    Sorry so many questions... Need to know more to be able to offer some advice.


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