
Topic: Student Questions

Global Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
What is Global Marketing? How does it work? Do you know of an article that I could use that summarizes in 2 or 3 paragraphs the definition of Global marketing in detail and how it works?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    See the paragraph under "global marketing" in this Wikipedia article:

    Compare that to all the other types of marketing. The rest of the article explains the principles of global marketing.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Certainly you can find a three paragraph definition of global marketing using online dictionaries and Google and so forth.

    But it is impossible to explain how it works in two or three paragraphs. Marketing tactics will vary by region and by industry and by product and by target market, to name just a few variables.

  • Posted on Author
    My questions were asking you for your personal opinion of what global marketing means to you and to see if you could provide real examples that you have seen lately that portray global marketing...I was going towards the advantages and disadvantages of global marketing, what do you think like for example when different campaigns are launched to promote IBM and Dove in different countries....I know like in some countries girls aren't allow to show their hair, so the company will struggle to advertise dove shampoo to this country since showing hair isn't allow, however, US companies show how attractive is to have long hair and how to keep a healthy hair by marketing shampoo products that maintains hair healthy. If you know of strategies that companies use in different countries that would be helpful for me...
  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    OK, I hear want to know our thoughts and opinions. But what about your opinion and thoughts? Do you have any? You and frame the question well enough. Can you put together your opinions - specifically based on the theoretical information and contemporary thinking. What are the theoretical points and the contemporary thinking? Is it right? Is it wrong? Why?

    For your assignment, our opinions are worth little unless we give you a basis as above.

    As Dave requests...You first! Share with us and we'll share with you!


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