
Topic: Student Questions

How Aspects Of Culture Affect Business & Decisions

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
The questions are based on the following scenario:
August Reynolds is a graduate of the UWW College of Business and Economics with extensive sales experience. He was hired by Caterpillar as a Sales Manager of their Demolition Excavator division. August has inherited two different sales accounts from the previous Sales Manager: Chinese-owned China National Machinery (represented by Miss Sun-Yung Chang) and Russian-owned Cherepovetsky Metallurgical Plant (represented by Mr. Anatoly Spitkovsky). Specifically, August is negotiating separately with each firm for multi-million dollar sales contracts in equipment. August is hoping to close the deal with each company by the end of the fiscal year. Anatoly has signaled that his firm is willing to explore various options to close the deal during a relatively short time frame, however Sun-Yung has not responded to August’s repeated requests for meetings.

a. What are the two most important/relevant cultural dimensions (as discussed in Scott Dietz’s presentation) that August should consider as he works with his Chinese client and with his Russian client? What information should he posses before entering into negotiations? Be sure to consider key differences between the Chinese and Russian clients.

When completing your answer, carefully consider the scenario above and be certain to include the following details in your answer:
• Name, define, and describe the two specific cultural dimensions.
• Explain how the two cultural dimensions will impact/affect not only the sales negotiation process, but also the overall, long-term customer relationships August has with Anatoly and Sun-Yung.

b. Given that the end of the fiscal year is just three months away, August is anxious to close the deal with Sun-Yung. After several months of negotiations, Sun-Yung has not yet placed an order with August. August is getting pressure from his boss to make the sale. Why is August unable to close the deal with Sun-Yung (refer to the specific cultural dimension)? Discuss at least one specific strategy August might use to close the deal.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Please see the important guidelines of the forum:

    In particular, please see #5:

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    If you would like to share YOUR thoughts, we would be happy to have a discussion with you on them. But, you have to do some work first.

  • Posted by michael on Member

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