
Topic: Student Questions

Suggest Btl Activity 4 Food & Beverages Products

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
BTL activities for consumer products are powerful or not ? If yes than suggest BTL activities for Food & beverages products ( Juices, jams, Ketch up, squashes , etc ). Also give some examples of BTL activities for soft drink products.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    This sounds like a "cut and paste" of a homework problem. If it isn't, please give more details of what specifically you're applying this to. This will help us help you better.

    If it is, please see the Important Guidelines for the forum.

    In particular, see #5:
    Experts are happy to help students explore their thoughts, but they will not do their assignments for them. If you are a student, be sure to share your own ideas along with your question

    Experts on this forum are glad to help students, but we expect the student to provide us with your thoughts and analysis first. If you would like to add your thoughts to this post, we would be glad to give you some comments and our thoughts.

  • Posted on Author
    actually i am in advertising and dealing a beverages client, i m lil confused to advise him for BTL activity. so, what i want is just advise me that BTL activity is good for beverages client or not if yes than suggest some BTL activities.

  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Sorry, my bad. Sounded like a student homework problem.

    Yes, BTL activities are used increasing and they are effective for food and beverage - as they are for all FMCG. You see them all the time. Manufacturers have "samplers" in stores, for instance. Another you see in stores are point of sale displays. Also, food and beverage suppliers use price promotions like a 25% off sale or a BOGO - buy-one-get-one-free. Coupons are used all the time. Loyalty points are used (type in the 8 digit number under a Coke cap for points, use those points to buy prizes). Pepsi did a "taste test." Most food and beverage companies have a website. See Mt. Olive Pickle's site: Contests are used all the time for food and beverage products too.

    These are all examples of BTL activities versus the ATL advertising.


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