
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Are there any other companies out there besides Constant Contact who are good for email marketing? I'm looking for something easy to use that provides templates in which I can design e-blasts and send to 2500 customers in my database.

Thanks in advance - -
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  • Posted by Bill Schick on Accepted
    Yes. One tool we've been using is MindFire's Look Who's Clicking tool. Not only can you create great email templates, but you have robust landing page, personalization, and ROI tracking tools.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I use a system called market mailer which has greater functionality than Constant contact. The analytics is very good and you can create your own templates or alter the ones they provide.

    Regards Nigel T Packer
  • Posted by Christian on Accepted
    We have been using Campaign Monitor for a while now -- we have been very happy with it. Although we have designers on staff that do our templates and email design so I don't know about their templates.

    I have also talked with the guys over at MailChimp they are a great company and I think they have a good package.


    Christian Vanek
    CTO, SurveyGizmo
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Mail Chimp
    My Emma

  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    Take a look at StreamSend. For no extra charge, you can have your own IP address. This alone makes it worth a look. Very intuitive interface, very easy to use.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the quick responses. I'll look into the above mentioned choices.

    How do these compare, price-wise, with Constant Contact?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Take a look at Listrak. This email provider creates your own domain as well giving you the ability to use your company or agency's branding. They also provide templates in their template libraries or can create a template especially for you. They have great white papers, webinars, and educational material as well if you want to develop your email campaigns even more.
    The link is below if you would like to check it out, my company uses them and we get great results with our campaigns:
  • Posted on Accepted
    Listrak sales managers help figure out a cost that will work for your depending on the nature of the email send and how you want to utilize the program and resources that they provide. I am not sure what their prices are compared to Constant Contact, but they are competitive rates and they do have a larger amount of resources that they can provide for you including an extensive, helpful support team.
  • Posted on Author
    Hey - thanks, everyone, for all the good leads. They're very helpful.

    Rodeo Media Gal

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