
Topic: Career/Training

Switching From Technical To Marketing Field

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

My name is Vikas. I am currently working as a senior software engineer in an embedded systems company in India. I have 4+ years of experience in my work. I am more passionate about getting into marketing profession. My heart and mind, both are asking me to get into marketing. So, I was thinking of taking up my GMAT exams and do an MBA. But, by the time I finish my MBA and start working I will be 28 years old. Starting my career as a fresher in marketing at the age of 28 would be a good idea ? Will the current 4+ years of my work experience count at that time ? what should I do ? Any suggestion will help.
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    I remember when 28 was old. If you wait a year you'll be 29 when you get done. I wasted 4 years getting a degree in biology.

    What gives you the sense that you want to do marketing? Is it something you've done and enjoyed while you did it or is it something you think you'd enjoy because you have an notion of what it might be like.

    If it's your true passion ignore the age thing and go for it. You'll still have 40 years to work at it. That should be enough.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    There are millions of fresh new MBA graduates out there but very few who truly understand software engineering. I believe you are positioned very well. Go for the MBA.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    If you're really serious about wanting to get into marketing, then you should get your MBA and go for it. Just be sure you know what you're getting into.

    Even if you are not going to be involved in marketing of technical products, having that engineering discipline will serve you well in marketing. Too many marketers think that marketing is a lot of fluff and design and hoopla, and not enough understand that there's a "science" aspect that's actually as important as the "art."

    As for the age thing, don't give it a second thought. Good people are valued at any age. Just stress your commitment to a marketing career and most hiring executives will understand.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Your specific skills are more than the jobs you've done. As Michael mentioned, the specific ways you analyze/solve a problem will serve you well. Since engineers tend to be more "function over form" people, this will help you to focus on results.

    Also, an MBA may not be required for positions you're interested in. Before you spend the time/money, do informational interviews to find out how people hire, what they're looking for, etc. You may find that simply taking a few classes and working on a few projects (perhaps as a volunteer for a non-profit) may be all you need to get you started.
  • Posted on Accepted
    My view is marketing for everyone, every ages and every degree if they have strong desire to be a marketeter

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