
Topic: Career/Training

Need Advice For My Career

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I've been in sales and marketing for almost 3 years now. I plan to go to MBA in 2010, and the problem is my company has recently gone out of business. In a few days, I will be unemployed.

I don't want to postpone the education. But in this economy it is not easy to find a new job, and it is harder because I'd like to have a job that allows me some level of flexibility to prepare for school. -- should i just get a part time job? Then I am afraid that it would not contribute to my career and affect my application for school next year as well.

I would like to ask for advices on how to wisely spend my one year till going back to school. It's been difficult to find a serious job with the flexibility I want, and the admission to MBA in 2010 is not guaranteed either.. The uncertainty is very confusing me.. Please help. Thank you.
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted

    Get something part-time and then do become in independent rep. There are tons of companies looking for marketing/sales reps on commission only. You'll stay sharp and make lots of contacts.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I totally agree with Michael, this is a great time to market yourself as an independant rep. What you didnt say was the market you were working in and how your cash flow situation looks.

    These are both important ....
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you everyone.. Never thought about being an independent rep. It is a thin line to define, but I prefer marketing to sales.

    I've been working in semiconductor industry. Fortunately my cash flow situation is okay.

    I do not want to stay in semiconductor industry. Where should I start to become an independent rep in a "new" market...? I am sorry if I am being too ignorant. It's just that.. I do not have that many experiences and I do not really know anyone who can give me actually practical career advices. Thanks.
  • Posted by melissa.paulik on Accepted
    I don't agree with the independent rep path that others are suggesting. Granted, I've never been an independent rep, but my impression is that its great for folks who are already accomplished salespeople. As you're fairly new in your career, I'd think you'd be better off looking for a job where the employer has an interest in seeing you succeed because they are either paying you a base or straight salary.

    If you decide not to go the MBA route, and you're serious about sticking with marketing, I'd look around and see what's out there. If I were at the point you are, I'd explore the world of marketing by trying to find something that was different than anything I had done so far. Make this a real learning time and don't worry too much about any pre-conceived expectations of where you want to be in five years.

    If you can get into the school you want and you can afford it, I'd take advantage of this lull in the economy to get your MBA now. I'd also actively seek internships so I could continue to gain real life experience while I am learning.

    Life goes very quickly and there are many of us who never got around to getting that MBA. I love the way my career has turned out, but I do sometimes wish I had gone back for my MBA before I got into the thick of things with my career and family.

    All the best!


  • Posted by michael on Member
    You can find independent rep lines on or

    You can contact me directly by clicking on my name above and I'm happy to help you find a line


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