
Topic: Student Questions

The Marketing Game: Mason And Perrault

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My group have currently been assigned to play the Marketing Game: Mason and Perrault at Level 1. We have been assigned to an industry of 4 groups. Our group has an unsatisfactory result for the first week. I would like to know on how we would be able to improve our marketing game strategy and how we can fill our decision form to obtain the optimum results
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted

    You may want to check out the rules for this forum. We don't just hand out answers to students. We require them to share their thoughts and we will carry on a discussion. By the way, this site is routinely monitored by professors. Using material gained from here and treating it as your own is a violation of many universities' honor code.

    See the Important Guidelines at:

    In particular, see #5:

    Experts are happy to help students explore their thoughts, but they will not do their assignments for them. If you are a student, be sure to share your own ideas along with your question.

    If you care to reframe your question with your analysis, your thought process, your initial move, your analysis and thoughts of why things went wrong, and thoughts on what your next move might be, we'd be glad to discuss this.

  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Why do you think your were unsatisfactory?
    What is the criteria that you are judged on?
    What have you tried?
    What are you going to change?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Most of the parameters in these games can be set by the manager/professor, so there's no way we could help you ... even if we wanted to.

    I once programmed one of these games, and I remember that we could even set the balance between long-term and short-term performance criteria. For example, you could invest heavily in R&D (long-term) or you could invest heavily in lead generation or sales promotion (short-term) ... and either one could lead to success if the parameters were set right.

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