
Topic: Strategy

What Is The Most Effective Way To Mentor Sales People By Telephone?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
In heading up a telephone based mentoring programme for salespeople I need to provide the participants with the most valuable and relevant support and provide succint recommendations for their sales questions? Can you please recommend a strategy and resource for this programme?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    My inital reaction to your question is "web site" . It's best way to have a globally available database. Even if it's just a list of Q&A and help #'s, it would be a great way to communicate and keep info readily available.

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi theresejulianna,

    You could also set up a blog or a wiki as an interactive collaborative support area.

    This way, all questions and answers can be viewed by the team as a whole, effectively building an easily accessible reference center for sales questions/dilemmas.

    If you need support with this or more understanding, contact me by clicking on my name.

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    theresejulianna, (I Got You)

    So often when we are deciding on things that impact the lives of the people we serve we often forget one of the main key ingredients that really determines whether your business will be successful, whether you'll have repeat purchases and referrals ( (( THE PEOPLE )) ).

    "SO GOOD" (You've got to make it So Good for them)

    We often FAIL to tap into their "SO GOOD". We need to make it "So Good" for them that they keep coming back for more and never want to leave. If you make it "So Good" they will keep coming back and what's more important they'll tell plenty of other people. Learn how to tap into their "So Good" and it will expand your business.

    So tap into their:



    Another way to head up a truly great telephone based mentoring programme for sales people is to apply the *CPE methodology and that is to Create Positive Edu-Tainment. Make it positive, EDU-cation mixed with enter-TAINMENT. This is something you've got to work on to make it work in your best interest.

    Finally never create a program for salespeople unless you customize it. THAT'S IT....(I can't tell you more than this or else I'll be giving away the Trade Secrets). If you would like to know more go to my profile and send me an email.

    I know this works. I've used it thousands of times. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Jame Brown new how to tap into the "So Good". He was so good at it in one of his "Smash Hitz" he wrote "So Good, So good, I GOT YOU"
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    A relevant article:


    Juan Carlos

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