
Topic: Strategy

What Do You Look For In A Web Site Design Firm?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
If you were to try and get a web site made today for your company, what are the 5 most important factors in choosing who will work on your site? The same goes for those of you who already have a web site but could use a redesign or even updates on a normal basis.

I am currently working with a team on the web site for our company – a web site design and multimedia production company - and I am interested in what business professionals look for in a web site design firm. Our targeted market segment are business owners, especially those in the Los Angeles County and Orange County areas.

The bulk of our current business comes from a couple of well-known restaurant chains in the Southwest who have worked with us for the past four years, but we are now looking to grow and expand our business. We haven’t needed our own business web site until now, and we expect our site to be our main source of targeting prospects and acquiring new clients.

Along with the 5 most important elements in considering which design firm to work on your own site, what are some other tips that you might have for a web site design company interested in serving the business community as best as possible?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    1. Quality
    2. Uniqueness (no clip art or pre-fab stuff)
    3. Dependability
    4. Knowledge of Branding
    5. Price

    I have a slightly different viewpoint. Although it is wise to to have some "old fashioned" lead generation, since you are a web design and multimedia firm, your website IS going to generate a lot of business for you if you market it creatively. Of course, no web site is going to pay the bills if all you do is build it. I give you the benefit of the doubt on that. Surely you know it takes a little juice to get the engine going. Seth Godin's book on Ideaviruses is a good one to read for some good viral marketing brain candy.

    What better way for a web design firm to get business and showcase their previous work guessed it...a website! There is a whole realm of marketing known as "e-marketing" or "Interactive Marketing". It's pretty popular and revolves around building a virtual business online, marketing it, driving traffic, database marketing, etc. So, contray to what you may heard elsewhere, ummmm, websites are out there making money and generating business.

    Now, you are entering a very saturated market, so some unique tactics are in order. Web design is one of my main sources of revenue and I don't even have a website!! Not by strategic genius, just because I am too busy and was lucky enough to keep getting business based on referrals. So what do I do? send me an email sometime and I'll tell you.

    I hope this helps.

    BTW- to sum up my top 5, I have found that people like custom work, delivered on time, but don't mind delays if it is for the best. If you whip out something too fast, some people will begin to wonder (hence the pre-fab stuff). Some of the biggest web firms/designers still code by hand (I started out coding by hand and still do if DreamWeaver MX starts giving me fits). It's the difference between a real versus a fake marble bathtub. Know what I mean?

    Plus, I think I should add a good knowledge of SEO is in order. Anyone with a graphics program can "design" a site, but very few can make it work well enough to warrant a premium. That takes real skill and a true talent for art.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I'd want them to provide suggestions related to what they think of the current site and improvements to it. Also include a feel for what it would cost to do these upgrades.

    If your site does ecommerce or other activities requiring programming (beyond HTML), I'd want to see examples of other sites they have done with similar programming.

    I would also want to see examples of sites that they have worked on where they paid attention to SEO (search engine optimization) for. This includes giving me some of the keywords which they are ranked highly on, so I could Google those words and see that their sites actually do get ranked well.

    I would not want to hear all sorts of grand plans using the latest and greatest technologies and graphics and all that, but ones that meet my needs using tried and true technologies. Your web site is meant to do a job - no need to buy more than you really need.
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Member
    1. Flexibility
    2. Technology
    3. Knowledge and Expertise
    4. Innovation and actualization
    5. Cost in short and long terms
    6. Dependence, Service, Training, own development.


    Juan Carlos

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