
Topic: SEO/SEM

How Does This Work Sub Categories - Search Results

Posted by delgazzar on 250 Points
Hi, I handle event marketing for various conferences, but from the travel aspect, and I've been thinking of doing SEO/SEM to drive more 'awareness' and traffic to our event websites.

So for example if you google Penny Arcade Expo 2009, it's #1 on the search results, and then there's a links under that main search result - hotels and travel are also listed.

What do I have to do to make that happen?

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    These are called "sitelinks."

    Read this for more details:
  • Posted on Accepted
    Yes indeed they are sitelinks. Site Links are awared to sites that have a good backlink profile confirming to Google that the site in question is undeniably related to a term.

    Normally you get them for brand names, or the brand name of your small company, if you have a decent link profile.

    It can take a couple of months to get them. Your site needs to be trusted. You need to 'own' the term.

    Some lucky sites have them for actual competitive terms. Their algorithmic too, although generally speaking Google will give you useful sitelinks as mapped out by your interal navigation structure / and incoming backlinks from other sites.

    Tip - Like most things to do with Google, just get links to your site. Google will take care of the rest :)

  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Google controls which sites receive sitelinks and the sitelink lineup. You only have direct control over disabling sitelinks (say if the the sitelink points to a valueless page) and optimizing your site to achieve top positions.

    Since you will only get sitelinks on the top position, you are correct in focusing on SEO. Create interesting content, optimize your pages well, and generate links and buzz, and you'll likely be granted the sitelinks you seek. Unfortunately you can not directly control which pages will be linked to.

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