
Topic: Student Questions

Wrong Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Dear Experts

I found some interesting examples of "wrong strategies" like LEVIS who tried to establish new products like suits and other "non Jeans" items and finally failed. May you have some similar examples for me or may you have examples in which such a strategy was a sucess.

Thank you in advance !

Regards, Mike
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    New Coke was a good example of a bad one.

    Another bad strategy realted to Levi's is when they went online, they did not allow any of their retailers to sell the jeans online; meaning they were the only ones to sell Levis on the Internet. BAD move. It failed miserably and they had to start allowing retailers to sell Levis online in effort to recover.

    These are the first couple that come to mind. I'll post more later on.

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi compilot,

    try this link

    there is a website that is deadecated to branding mistakes but i cant remember the url. i will post it if i can remeber it later.

    this site is just funny, it might give you some ideas about bad brands:

    hope this helps

    have a nice day


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