
Topic: Career/Training

What''s A Job In The Food Industry, That Does Not Require Cooking?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I recently obtained an associates in culinary arts but now I realize that I hate to cook. I really don't want to go back to school. I am needing ideas on a career in which I am able to put my degree to use. I am open to any suggestions. Thanks for your help.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Restaurant manager.
    Event/restaurant manager.
    Book/seminar on tips for great cooking for people who hate to cook.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Food stylist
    Cooking show host/narrator
    Restaurant critic
    food photographer (for magazines)
  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    You might want to check job boards and find some jobs that list your skill set and knowledge as requirements or as desired. I would bet there are jobs out there where someone with a culinary arts degree would be a definite asset. See what's available by searching the various job boards and maybe food related company Web sites.

    In addition, you might find sales and marketing related jobs related to the food industry.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Food critic, restaraunt critic, food/restaurant blogger.

    What was it that drew you to culinary arts? If it is the more decorative arts aspect, perhaps you can interview chefs, events coordinators, restaurant owners, etc. You'll speak their language, and can put it in perspective for laymen. Think behind-the-scenes - I'd be fascinated to know more about the personalities, training, interests, whys and wherefores of some of the restaurants in our area.

    Hmm, maybe I'll pursue that myself! :)
  • Posted on Accepted
    hospitality consultant / training on:
    - liquor licencing
    - wine appreciation
    - kitchen procedures - team work
    - order management
    - barista
    - etc etc etc...

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