
Topic: Career/Training

1 Man Marketing Bonus

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello, I am a 1 person marketing department with a full spectrum of duties - SEO, PR, website dev, CRM administration, content dev, graphic design, and etc. I have been asked to propose a quarterly bonus structure for myself to the CEO, and I am not real sure where to begin.

A little background: We never had a sales team until almost 2 years ago. Since then, we fired our VP of Sales, demoted our VP of marketing, and hired a sales manager and 2 account managers. We pay our sales people a 1,500 bonus each quarter (plus commission) if they meet their revenue goals. I almost hate to base my quarterly bonus on leads closed / sales, as the last time this happened and marketing was directly tied to sales performance, we fired both VPs and I have been left to clean-up the mess. I am leaning towards a objectives / campaigns completed based on my job descriptions. Any insight on this would be appreciated on the different ways I can build this. Note that they will not pay marketing commissions.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    In your case I might suggest activity based goals...
    These could be based on the needs of your company and sales group. Here might be a suggestion:

    New Sales Materials Generated
    New Leads generated -based on some criteria
    Numbers of customer follow-ups generated out of your CRM System
    New names captured via your website
    Pre-sale information gathered from your website (registered names, downloads etc)

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You definitely need to tie your bonus to the things you can control and impact directly. And you need to go back to your job description to make sure that you are not held accountable for things that really are not in your control.

    What I might do is identify 2 or 3 things you can/should do each quarter and allocate a portion of the bonus amount to each. That will let you set some priorities and reflect the value to the company in the amount of bonus allocated to each activity. (Example: If there are two major initiatives, and one is worth twice as much as the other, and if your total bonus amount is to be $1500, you might set $1000 for the more important one and $500 for the less important one. Etc.)

    As you gain some experience with the system, you can move more toward something that is results based (rather than activity based) and adjust the actual bonus amount to more accurately reflect the value you bring to the company.

    You'll need to be careful with this, as your base salary is what they pay you to do your job. The bonus should be for deliverables that go above and beyond ... otherwise it's not really a bonus, just deferred salary in disguise.
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    Hi all,

    This is a great question and I agree that you are in a tough position :)

    I have to agree with Yen not with WMMA.

    Sorry to say, but in the real word, marketing and sales are intrinsically linked together and canoot survive independently of each other.

    At the end of the day, it is SALES that bring in the revenue.

    An activity based bonus?? WOW I wish I could receive a bonus just for bringing traffic :) or generating campaigns :))

    We all know how to bring traffic and generate leads but the problem is the 'QUALITY' of the leads you bring. It is easy to say I provided Sales with 50k leads and they didn't close any so it is their fault but I still expect to receive my bonus?? WOW.

    The real truth is that BONUSES can only be paid from REVENUES, not from capital.

    Marketing performance has to be judged by ROI - The best way that you can receive a bonus is the same way that a chef or buyer does; 'based on costs'.

    1. Meet Revenue targets (agree with your boss in advance what they are monthly)
    2. BEAT marketing costs targets.

    Example agreed marketing budget is 3.5% of turnover. Get it down to 3.25% whilst maintaining revenues above the agreed threshold, then Wham you have .25% to play around with for a bonus. Thats $2,500 on 1Million sales in a month. You probably won't get to keep all of that :) But at least you have a basis to calculate from.

    The hardest part will be to agree what exactly your marketing budget per month should be in percentage terms but you now your business better than anyone so you should have an idea what your spend and ROI is.

    In this modern day of internet marketing ROI is king. :)))


    Feel free to get in touch if you would like further ideas :)

    Good luck,


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