
Topic: E-Marketing

How To Attract Customers For Business (novice)

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I have just started a consulting company, and am needing information/and or suggestions on how to find customers. I was also wondering, what are the best marketing strategies to draw in customers. Please lend any advice that you may have. Thanks!
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  • Posted by michael on Member
    Well without specifics we can only give generalities.

    1) Contact your old employer and their competitors
    2) Join the chamber of commerce.
    3) Don't wait for the phone to ring. The cheapest asset you have, for now, is your time. Go talk to people. If you aren't talking (e-mailing too) to someone you're wasting your time.

  • Posted on Author
    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for your response. I am sorry that I left out so many details. My company is an IT consulting company (home-based business). Another quick question. Are there any books, websites, or other recommendations that you may have. Please let me know!

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Let's stay you've called someone, or met someone at a mixer and they ask, "So what do you do?" Do you have your marketing "pitch" in place to create an effective dialog? That's the crux - the reason someone should not just talk with you, but pay you for your services.

    Phone calls, direct mail, advertising, email, newsletters, blogging, etc. are all tools to use to attract people to you. But once they connect with you, make sure you have something that will convert them from "looker" to "buyer".

    Here's one article you might want to read to help:
  • Posted by melissa c on Member
    You may want to check out this site:

    They have great tips and I blog I read almost daily. The site creators also have a book called "The Designers Guide to Marketing and Pricing." From what I've heard, it's not necessarily limited to designers but gives a good overview of how to market yourself.

    Good luck!
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    1. Get a good web site online.
    2. Develop mail and email lists of prime customer candidates (aka 'suspects').
    3. Develop a no more than one-page information piece or (short) letter.
    4. Get a testimonial about you and/or your company's service/product (from either former colleagues or existing customers).
    5. Mail and/or email either (or both) 3 & 4 to suspects.
    6. Get to trade shows/business expos with either a booth or just as an attendee to 'prospect' both exhibitors and other attending companies.
    Stay positive.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    There is some good advice above. Here are some additional things you might consider:

    1) set aside time for marketing each week. It's easy to get busy in the small business, but we do the things that we set time aside for, and you will need to be continually marketing.

    2) visit your local library. If you look at the marketing section, there are dozens or hundreds of books written for people in your exact situation. In some counties, each library has a section of business books, but there is one particular library which is designated as a business Library, with a more extensive business collection, and the librarians there can be very helpful to you.

    3) team up with hardware resellers. If you can find a small box only store, you can probably work out an arrangement (possibly including finders fees) where they will refer network installation and other services to you.
  • Posted on Author
    Hey Guys,

    Thank All of You for the Invaluable Advice that You have provided! These are all great ideas for marketing!

    -- Kimberly George

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