
Topic: E-Marketing

Small Business & Social Media

Posted by Anonymous on 20 Points
Should small businesses take part in social media marketing? Social media marketing is a very popular method for businesses to reach out to their customers but also a great way for businesses to hear what their customers are saying about them. But does it work for small, local businesses? Ex: liquor store at the Jersey Shore.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Should small businesses take part in social media marketing?

    Answer: Yes :-)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    At a minimum, small businesses can listen to what others are saying about them. To succeed in social media requires time, money, and patience, and the ROI may not be sufficient for a small business. However, by listening small businesses can respond to the social media mentions simply.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I am not an expert in social media, but I've read a good bit about twitter lately. Apparently a number of retailers use twitter to let their customers know about specials and sales and so forth. I would imagine this could work well for a local retailer such as the liquor store in your example.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Here's a link about a local pizza shop using social media to increase business

    And here's a link about a coffee shop that used social media to double local foot traffic
  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    You might want to start with blogging as you likely have expertise in your industry and products that would help your prospects and current customers.

    If you have something to say, start a blog right away. Services like make is easy to start a blog.

    By the way, make sure the blog includes a link back to your main Web site so if People find your blog they can then get to your main site. Also, a side benefit of blogging can be Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefits. If you have useful content, you will increase your ranking.

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