
Topic: Career/Training

Blog Page On Dreamweaver Cs3

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Using Dreamweaver CS3, I wish to have a blog page, to which a few users can email urgent updates. I simply don't know where to start and would like some pointers, please.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Two basic options: 1) create a menu from your website to a blog (that's hosted elsewhere) or 2) create a blogsite (using wordpress, for example) which is both a blog and website pages.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    You could just download a template into dreamweaver.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Why not save yourself a lot of hard work and frustration and set up a blog via Wordpress? Easy, free, and you have all the tools, Q&A, FAQs, and their support to fall back on.

    Sign up via
    Additional themes (750 to choose from) via

    Host your blog site through Wordpress, or, better yet, set up your own domain, and get it and your new blog hosted for less than $6 per month via

    Link the blog to your website and that will help your website rankings.

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