
Topic: E-Marketing

Short Or Long Web Domain? Google & Duplicates.

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points

So we have this:
someone wants and we now have
[inactive link removed]
(cross of glory Lutheran baton rouge)
Or any other great ideas?

Which is better? Which should we use? The long one is a mouthful and a bit hard for print media (although we just printed some mugs/magnets with this...) the short one makes no since.

I understand goggle does not like duplicate domains?
Any way to keep both up for a while?

Thanks for any help!

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I like the long one. And in print, I'd write it like this:

    The shorter one doesn't do you any good, IMHO.

    COGBR...doesn't mean anything to anyone.
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    I agree with Paul. A shorter domain is generally better but in this case no one in the parish will remember cogbr but is memorable. In fact, I had to look at cogbr twice while writing this but did recall the domain.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Keep them both, and forward to
    Domain name registration is quite inexpensive.
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Yes, Jay said. It's too cheap (like $10 per year) not to have both.

    Mainly use the long one, but what do YOU call your church? That's the one you want to use.

    And by the way...since it's $10, take the .org registrations also.


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