
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing Strategies Of Indian Organic Teaexporter

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
i am doing a msc dissertation and my topic is marketing strategies of indian organic tea exporters: opportunities and challenges faced in the UK market. Can you please send me all the relevant articles, journals and mterials. Currently i am doing my literature review, can you please tell me what are the sub headings i should include in my literature review for this topic. i know some of them like, market entry strategy, retail, branding, 4 ps rtc, pls help me to form a framework for the literature review and suggest some good international mrketing book for this purpose.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Say - what is relevant, as in "all the relevant' - whatever?

    It's your MSc. Your name on the parchment. It will hang on your wall.

    So, you say what you think is relevant. If people here can help with that, they will.

    It's not so hard.

    Hope this helps.


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