
Topic: Student Questions

Tool Of Analysis

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello all,
I am currently working on market plan. I am just wondering how many tool of analysis that i could potentially use in order to perform adequate analysis and evaluate a proper strategy.

i used PLC, BCG matrix, GE matrix, Porter 5 forces, Various financial ratio and ansouff's growth strategy.

Thank you
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Panuwat17,

    Hmm. How about these?

    A PEST analysis
    Political, Economic, Social and Technological.

    And the evergreen SWOT.
    Dull and dusty to several readers I'm sure, but they work.

    As does asking these everyday questions:

    Who are you selling to?
    What are you selling?
    hy should people buy from your and not some other chap?
    Where will you sell this thing?
    To whom will you sell it?
    When will you sell it?
    Who is your competition?
    And, how much will it cost to obtain raw materials,
    make, market, deliver, and fulfill?

    How effective will your sales copy be in talking to prospects
    about the things that pain them? Find out, by employing this little dohicky:

    Just follow the instructions, copy, paste, press the button, and Robert will indeed be your mother's brother (Bob's your uncle!).

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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