
Topic: Student Questions


Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I 2 every 1 im working on my project of NPD here the product that i have thought of is a car for women which quiet a big segment as many women has started working and der is no car car specialy designed for dem also i include young gasl in dis so i want a little help frm u to give me some name for my car i have thought of making it lyke "A car who cares for a women who dares " dis car is exlusilvely designed for women wid my research in among gals i have pirortised the things and features
and also it wll b helpful if u help in its positioning to lyke i thnk i shld positon it on the product class basis and den user class and also add attribute postionng approach so wht u say waiting for ur approach asap
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted

    I'm not sure if you are using "instant message" speak or if it's your skills in writing in English. If it's "instant message" speak," please write in normal English so we can be sure to understand your question. If it's skills in English, you are 150% more efficient in English than I am in your native language so with patience on each of our parts, we'll get through it. Have patience with me as I repeat what you ask and then answer. I will listen to you really hard. And I know you will try really hard to write things as clearly as you can.

    If I interpret your question correctly, you have a project to for New Product Development (NPD) for which you have chosen a car aimed at working women. You are looking for help in coming up with a name and tag line. The tag line you thought of is "A car who cares for a women who dares." Further, you would like thoughts on positioning for that car.

    First, your tag line rhymes - care/dare. It's memorable. And that's about all. Cars don't care. People do. The people in a company do. This is a corporate culture thing. However, a company does not care. And women "dare?" What is the dare? What is the risk? Is it so far off normal than they have to take a leap in order to buy it - they risk ridicule from peers because it looks different (uglier), costs different (more), it's dangerous? What's daring about it?

    You are positioning to women specifically so the differences between men's and women's needs in a car have to be pronounced/ The first thing you have to do is determine what the needs are for women. And in particular, what do women need in a car different than a man needs? Your car must address these different needs. With respect to the difference between sexes, there are body proportions, strength differences. The tastes are different, on the average. Men want "muscle cars" with speed/power and women want utility (perhaps). There are aesthetic differences - color combinations that match (men only know colors from the Crayola 8 pack of crayons), more elegant shapes, etc.

    For this problem, you must know characteristics women need in a car and then words that mean that TO women so you can pick a name. The tag line should reflect this. I suggest you give this some thought and then come back with some suggestions you have along these lines.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Author
    ya you are right mr . and i have taken every thing in considerations before posting this question. features of the car are decided by keeping in mind what actually the females want in the car

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