
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Marketing Campaign

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
Is there any good companies to hire that can help me with my mass email campaign. Moreover, what kind of services can they provide?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    What sort of help are you looking for?

    Writing the emails?
    Formatting the emails (HTML coding)
    Obtaining a list?
    Sending and tracking the emails?

    How big is your list and how many emails do you plan to send?

  • Posted on Accepted
    You really need to better define what you need before we can offer much help. If you can do some of the work yourself, I've found CampaignMonitor to be quite fantastic.
  • Posted by jlblue on Accepted
    To help get some info to help you plan:
    * Read several blog posts from Laura Atkins, founding partner of the anti-spam consultancy and software firm Word to the Wise.

    And then read some info from a service like
    * They have experience on all the failings of sending email and how to avoid them. They also have some thoughts from those using email to market/get their message out.
    ** and their resource page helps!
  • Posted on Accepted
    I agree with esbdmb - Campaign Monitor is great - but it depends what you need?
  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    If you are looking for a permission-based email marketing service, I work for the StreamSend Email Marketing service.

    We offer a 30-day free trial as do a number of our competitors. I recommend you do a search for email marketing in Google and do the following:

    1. Figure out which have the features you need and pricing that works for you.

    2. Narrow your choices down to the ones that do fit your needs.

    3. Do a free trial of a few of them and choose the one that you like the best. BTW, you do not have to do the full term of the free trial to figure out if you like a service or not.
  • Posted by meaghan.kelly on Accepted
    You might want to check out eROI's website

    Email Marketers: Take eROI's 2 Min. Survey on "Email Testing Practices" - Be a part of our latest industry study! There will be a drawing for a Flip Ultra Cam!

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