
Topic: SEO/SEM

Seo/sem For Us Company With A Global Reach

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I don't have much experience with international SEO, so I'm turning to the experts here at!

I have a client who manufactures sintering funaces: they are one of the few manufacturers in the world. Their site is They have a global audience, yet their site was made just for the US, and was developed years ago.

Looking at their site as it is, it's rich with keywords, but the site needs more organization and development. And since they need to reach out to the global community, I'm assuming they should have multiple versions of their sites available in countries they have a presence in as well as a ppc campaign.

With that, can anyone recommend a quality, proven SEO company who can handle such a task? Unfortunately, I do not have any access to budget and am simply forwarding this information to my client. I won't be involved in the process.

Your help would be greatly appreciated!!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    International SEO/SEM has several unique aspects outside of the cultutral/language issues.

    For ex: with SEO it is a best practice to have the proper top level domain - for Canada, for Mexico, etc.

    In addition - it is also a best practice to have the website hosted in the country of orign. The search engines know the IP addresses - and this is definitely a ranking factor.

    These and other issues make for a successful campaign.


    John McCarthy
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I believe your client needs a bit more than SEO help. Based on a quick look at the site, they need to update their website and think about how it fits into their total marketing plan.

    Here are a few thoughts:
    1) nobody buys their products online - nope doesn't happen period.
    2) people can come to their website and gather information, but your client basically has to wait for someone to call and say "I was on your website and I think I might be interested in speaking to a salesperson"
    3) why not put up some white papers or evaluations anything that requires prospects to provide their name and phone number earlier in the process.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You can also post your request for help at Hire an Expert
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    Dear Cathy,

    Your client definitely needs help.

    I just did a search for Sintering and was guessing that your clients site would come up simply because it is such a specialised area. How many companies could there be who make sintering ovens?

    Well WOW was I wrong. There is tons of competition out there and guess what, your clients site did not list anywhere on page 1 or page 2.

    I tried a search on Sintering Ovens - Still no luck :)

    I would suggest, check out the competition and see how they do it.

    This site is top ranked.

    And they are using paid search.

    I would suggest for your client.

    1. Re design and re build the web site to make it look more modern and more professional (it looks like it was designed and built by a bunch of engineers :) ).

    2. Make sure they are using PAID google ad words carefully located in the right places. Since the number of users searching for sintering will be tiny, their ad word cost will be very small BUT it simply looks more professional from the buyers pint of view when they have paid ads. If there is no paid ad, the feeling is that the company is either TOO small or TOO cheap to invest a few hundred dollars in advertising so therefore I don't want to buy from them.

    3. Don't worry about international versions, just be sure to target the ad words in the countries you want to find clients and turn off the ads for countries your not interested in.

    With respect to SEO natural search, I would not waste to much time and money for such a niche product but remember to add META tags in the head to tell the ROBOTS to come back weekly :))

    I checked the source and there is no META tag for the robots.

    Just be sure to add a little fresh content, a story, a testimonial or a white paper every week so the crawlers will see that there is new content and list it.

    There you have a complete 'Quick and Dirty' solution :))

    Good luck,

  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    Sorry - here are the tags :)) Forgot to put them in a comment tag hence the space in my text above :))

    <--! meta name="ROBOTS" content="index all, follow all" -->

    <--! meta name="REVISIT-AFTER" content="7 days" -->
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Some random comments:

    2.37 million competitors would not be classified as hyper-comptitive and sintering may not be the best choice of keyword anyhow. This is hardly a lost cause from an organic perspective.

    The site needs to express the brand and the cost of the product better.

    "The search engines know the IP addresses - and this is definitely a ranking factor."

    This is true but they look at TLD first and default to IP if there isn't a clear delineation based upon TLD and language.

    "1) nobody buys their products online - nope doesn't happen period."

    Agreed. But buyers will research your product online and a conversion would be defined as a web inquiry or a phone call.

    "With respect to SEO natural search, I would not waste to much time and money for such a niche product but remember to add META tags in the head to tell the ROBOTS to come back weekly :))"


    "If there is no paid ad, the feeling is that the company is either TOO small or TOO cheap to invest a few hundred dollars in advertising so therefore I don't want to buy from them."

    I would be interested in seeing some citations on this theory. I have seen trustworthy data that supports the notion that a combination of PPC and top organic results will amplify conversions but I've seen nothing to indicate that conversions will drop with a lack of PPC ads. Since ~75% of searchers click on organic results (vs PPC), organic should be part of the mix. Though I do agree that PPC is important and should be utilized.

    as for:
    <--! meta name="ROBOTS" content="index all, follow all" -->

    <--! meta name="REVISIT-AFTER" content="7 days" -->

    I don't see value in these tags unless you want to exclude a page (by altering them to noindex and/or nofollow) or its links from the SEs index. But informing the search engines to do something they are in the business of doing and suggesting a timeframe is pointless. They will index your page with or without this tag and they'll do it on their own schedule.

    I hope this helps.

    If your client is interested in discussing their objectives please feel free to get in touch.

  • Posted by SEM and Interactive on Member
    When you hire an SEM company - you need to look at:

    - Their track record
    - Their capacity
    - Their expertise

    SEO/SEM is not a one time thing - as you know is an ongoing thing. In my opinion, the most important thing is being a good keyword researcher. This is where most SEM companies fail.

    Also have the company show you their work and what they do.

    If you have any questions - feel free to contact me. I would be glad to help.


  • Posted on Member
    I would refer any Global SEO project to
    His firm is 100% the best.

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