
Topic: E-Marketing

Marketing Strategy Suggestions Needed

Posted by rimagico on 200 Points
Looking for insights on marketing an ebook which teaches money management basics to young adults (primarily 17 to 21 year olds). Many of the purchasers will be their parents.

Please see

Interested to hear you thoughts on any of the following:
-how to best utilize twitter, facebook, and other social media
-strategies to reach parents
-strategic partnership ideas
-general suggestions & ideas


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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Rimagico,

    There are several ways you could go about this, but having looked at your site you need something to entice people to give you their name and e-mail address so that you can build a list and e-mail to people one on one with benefit driven, value enhanced information.

    Your site probably also needs an overhaul to make it simpler and more appealing. It doesn't need to be anything other than a simple one page site, but what you do need to consider is a more focused sales letter that asks the questions parents are asking and that then gives them the answers, all in a logical sequence, and all benefits based.

    To encourage people to give you their details you could offer a white paper on teen credit card debt. It doesn't need to be super long, but it must be something people will think is valuable enough to convince them to trust you with their details.

    You can also use pay per click advertising through Google for search terms connected to your niche. You'll find details here: and you could approach and take advantage of their huge affiliate network. On ClickBank affiliates sell on your behalf, you give them a commission, ClickBank take their cut, and you get the rest. The good thing about ClickBank is that they process credit card transactions, they handle returns, and they take care of all the back end side of things (for a fee), and you and your affiliates split the difference, all of which is handled by ClickBank on your behalf. All you do then is cash checks or deposit revenue directly into your bank account.

    You can also use joint ventures (JV) agreements with information marketing people who already have lists in your niche with whom you can create a joint venture in exchange for a percentage of revenue. Twitter and Facebook come in here by giving you access to people in these positions one on one (cutting out the gatekeepers). But note, these applications are SOCIAL networks, so create relationships with people FIRST and establish mutual trust, agreement, and rapport before asking if they'd be prepared to partner with you.

    You might also want to investigate setting up a blog so that
    you give people a forum or venue in which to find additional information and like-minded souls. But no matter what, you must set yourself up as an authority figure, as THE go to person for this particular niche and you do this by offering sound advice, solid value, and benefit driven solutions.

    To reach parents you MUST engage their attention by catering to their fears, doubts, and worry about the problem, not to scare them, but to drive home the point that you understand their situation.

    This establishes rapport, belief, and trust.

    People will be more inclined to buy from you if they like you, trust you, and feel that you understand their situation. Then you offer them a solution that's simply too good of a deal to turn down due to your risk reversal, eradication of doubt and skepticism, your offer, your deadline, your price, and your strong call to action.

    I'm more than willing to point you in the direction of articles and reports you could review for blog content, or for a free white paper style report. E-mail me off forum for details.

    And also consider signing up for "The Marketeer", my free, weekly newsletter. There's a link to my modest my blog in my profile and you'll find the sign up form to receive "The Marketeer" on the top right of my blog's main page.

    "The Marketeer" delivers opinion and advice based on almost 25 years experience in the world marketing and graphic design, and its content is available nowhere else on the Internet.

    Click on my name at the top of this post and follow the appropriate links to sign up now. "The Marketeer" is free and you're welcome to unsubscribe at any time.

    I hope my advice helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted on Accepted
    Great concept. I do have an idea I do remember a website named which uses something called chicbook. And believe me its so easy to distribute it through emails, urls etc. The main concept is to have a book online which can either be distributed directly online This can also be used as a widget for facebook, myspace or any social networking websites can be made. This is even being used on britney's official website example:
    So the idea is to have a customized ebook of your concept( I know who did this chic book thing. Here is the link, may be just demo pages just to give readers what it is about and let the book reach potential customers with a small campaign which can include a basic email, social media campaign. Am sure this is the best thing you can do.


  • Posted on Member
    Oh the chic book link i sent was not the correct one. Here is the actual example i wanted to show

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The target market is parents of about-to-graduate (or newly-graduated) high school students about to go to college. The students will be highly marketed to by credit card companies looking to endow the students with their first credit card.

    Co-market with companies already targeting this market: high school class ring jewelers, college financial aid "finders/consultants", and even high school graduation announcement printers.
  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Accepted
    Dear Rob,

    Gary has made some very pertinent points, one of which I would like to elaborate on.

    In my opinion marketing a single product or multiple ones is going to take the same amount of effort from you. I also believe that the amount of effort you will need to put into this will not make it worthwhile for a single 19$ ebook. Hence you have to look at this from a long term point of view.

    Build a blog, build a mailing list, start communicating with your target market using twitter and social networking sites; basically portray yourself as the authority figure in your niche and you will have a sucessfull business. Of course, I feel you will also have to start thinking of some ancillary product lines.

    Lastly, you do need to improve the design of the website. Though a website review is not what you are asking for here, I had to add this since your website seriously need a major makeover.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting

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