
Topic: Student Questions

Approcahing New Customers

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
when approaching customers in their home for direct sales, how do you break the ice and make them like you so that you are comfortable when delivering your
sales pitch. If you cannot get them to like you, then you are wasting your time delivering your sales proposal.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    The problem here is the strategy. You will never get anyone to let you in their home, sit down, have some tea, and listen to your personal history in hope they will "like" you. It doesn't happen. It's a pipe dream. A thing of the past.

    You are better of thinking of a new strategy. Why, because everyone knows that strangers don't just drop in to say hello and make new friends..their is a hidden agenda. And no matter how charismatic, swet, lovable, or charming you are, we all know you are really there to sell something. It's fake, the coustoers know it, and it will not work. Besides, you might get shot if you get too pushy. LOL

    I hope this helps!

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Are you approaching them via door-to-door cold calling?

    If so, I agree with Jett and if I was you, I would invest in kevlar clothing and start scanning the situations vacant. There must be a better way to earn a living.

    If you want people to like you, and you're banging on their door, you'd better have something they need that solves a problem they've got. Whether they know that or not...

    No, there must be a better way...

    What are you selling?

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi yash,

    here is one thing not to do:

    Dont go around the back of the house you are selling to and knock on the back door.

    we recently had a sales person try to come into the house thou the back Door WITH OUT being invited he was trying to sell "sky televison" the equialent of "cable" in New Zealand.

    lets just say he banged his face into my fist a couple of times when i caught him in the kitchen.

    sorry if this doent help


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