
Topic: Student Questions

A Car Advertisment

Posted by Anonymous on 75 Points
I've come across a car advertisement yesterday in my marketing class

I am just confused about this ad. I know that aston martin is a luxurious brand, but i am not so sure about the message this ad conveys. And what is the dick and richard thing? I have no idea about what the name dick and richard represents?
So, what is the message of this ad, and the name dick and richard? Will someone give me an answer?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    The ad is playing on the luxury car brand image of Austin Martin, as you mentioned. The name thing is a reference to people who are "upper crust" or "old money" usually go by their given first name versus a nickname in public. So, if the scale was a measure of "class" then, with Dick at the far left - zero on many scales - this would be "low class," whereas Richard is "high class." So the ad is showing that having an Aston Martin is "high class." The reference is pretty obscure. Not such a great ad, I'd think.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear bboy_2284,

    Oh my, oh my! Where shall I begin?

    Although the body copy is pretty small, the first sentence (which is pretty much the point of the whole ad) says it all.

    If you can't quite make out what the test says, here' it is in all its glory "See what an Aston Martin does for you."

    Although Wayde's description of the ad is astute, the ad's point is (at least, in my interpretation) a little ... er ... longer.

    The ad is all about penis length, as in "How big is yours?" and "Mine's bigger than yours!"

    Dick may be well endowed, but Richard, because he drives an Aston Martin ... well, let's just say he has more to offer his lover.
    Hence the use of the simple sentence "See what an Aston Martin does for you."

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Subliminally,that too.
  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    The target is kind of obvious, don't you think? It's targeted to guy wanna-be's. And if you think they used Dick/Richard purely by accident versus because of the subliminal penis reference...think again. They could have used Bob/Robert, WIlliam/Bill, or Chuck/Charles or any other nicknamed name.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Contrast that with this Aston Martin ad:

    This confirms (in my mind) that the ads definitely have a sexual undertone (in addition to the primary social strata one).
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear bboy,

    You really don't think this ad is about penis size or anything similar? What part of the visual implication of the scale and the
    use of the word "dick" isn't clear?

    The ad basically says "Drive an Aston Martin and you'll grow a bigger willie!" The MILF ads enhance the point.

    Do they enhance the brand? Not really. Will they increase
    sales? Probably not. But SOMEONE must have signed off on them. So someone at Aston Martin thought enough of them
    to run with them. But here, flash seems to have over ridden
    the message. If there ever WAS a message.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    This ad is playing on the class insecurities of the middle or working class bloke who has made some money and wants to show it.

    He has been Dick all his life, worked hard, earned some money, and now he wants to be Richard.

    If their target is the class insecure new rich, then this ad has the right idea. Those with inherited money would likely recoil at this ad.
  • Posted on Member
    Agree with Jay Hamilton-Roth

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