
Topic: E-Marketing

Email/sms Marketing?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I run an Optometry practice and would like to be able to remind my contact lens patients to replace their lenses and return for exams via email or text. For instance if a patient is in contact lenses and needs to replace the lenses every 2 weeks, they can willingly sign up for this service and we will send them an email or text every 2 weeks reminding them to replace thier lenses. They will also receive and email reminding them when they are due for their yearly exam. I would like to be able to enter them into a program, setting the schedule once and never have to go back to the program. For instance I would not want to have to physically go in every two weeks and send the patient an email.
Is there any such service out there that will allow me to effectively send these scheduled recurring emails or SMS messages?
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  • Posted on Accepted

    You are looking for a practice management software with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system as part of it. The CRM is a sales system, most of which have reminder systems with reminder functionality. Most modern systems have Texting facilities as well as email reminder systems in them.

    If you are using a practice management system at present then may I suggest that you contact them to start. It will require less training than if you go for a new system.

    One system I have found in the UK is but I am sure you will find a similar system in the USA.

    Best of luck with your search.

    Kind regards

    Nigel T Packer
  • Posted on Author

    Thank you for your response. We are currently using a program called Maximeyes that seems to be very good. I am unaware of any email or text features with regards to marketing that can be utilized with this program. I will be contacting them to further investigate this as an option. I was hoping I could find a fairly cheap and effective program that would allow me to simply send recurring emails and texts. If my practice management software has this included that would be absolutely fantastic! But if not I will have to find an alternative program, as we will not be changing our practice management software anytime soon. Thank you so much for your response.

  • Posted by Neil on Member
    Man email marketing services have a feature called triggers or autoresponders.

    Triggers can be set to run at certain intervals from the time someone signed up for a list -- such as number of days -- or by a date in a certain field.

    So if you choose to do this using an email marketing service, make sure the service offers triggers.
  • Posted by cdonald on Member

    We offer such services and can help you with email and SMS scheduled messaging. If you'd like a conplimentary consultation I'd be happy to help.

    Cheers, Chris Donald
    Inbox Group
    [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member

    has all the features you need.
  • Posted by Marco on Member
    Most email top-tier email service providers have this functionality built in for email and some also have SMS capability. With a few questions answered, I'd be happy to provide you with a short list.

    Good luck,

    Marco Marini
    ClickMail Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    This all seems to be much more complicated than I previously had imagined. I really was just looking for a program or webservice that would allow me to send a recurring scheduled email or text. I initially thought I would be able to find a program for free somewhere that would allow me to perform these tasks.
    It has shifted from small inexpensive program to a large marketing group setting up something custom for me for a lot of $.
    The best example so far that I have found is a service offered by Trumpia. Does anyone else have suggestions on something similar to this. Again I am looking for something simple.

    Thanks for all of the responses I have gotten so far. You guys really are helping me along in my search. Thanks again!

  • Posted by Beth Robinson on Member
    I don't understand why this needs to be complicated. I would think you could just set up an Aweber account and have the automated sequence of every two weeks and once a year starting from the time the customer first signed in.

    I don't have an account for myself yet (I'm intending to get it for a newsletter) but this is one way that it can work, as I understand it. It would cost from $30/month up depending on the number of patients you have.

    Sure, you'd have more flexibility with some of the other options, but that's not really what you asked for.
  • Posted on Author
    That certainly seems like an option. It does appear to give me the ability to schedule emails for future delivery. I have found a couple programs now that may also do the same thing for $30 total. I am currently trying a couple of these out right now on a trial basis, and this appears to be a good solution.

    I would ideally like to have a program that would allow me to email and text at the same time, but I am aware that texting is a whole different entity. There are monthly charges, etc. with texting, whereas email is generally something anyone can send or receive for free.

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