
Topic: E-Marketing

Estimated Cost Client Ezines/enewsletters

Posted by SjS on 250 Points
I'm seeking an 'estimated cost' range for the production
of client ezines/enewsletters when using an agency. This is in the B2B space.

ezine defined: 6-10 pages back to back, with the look of a magazine.

Factors to consider: content written in-house; at least 5 ezines (same title, same look/feel, different regions [eg North America, UK, India]; distribution list of 2,500; agency to create ezine design/layout, mail the ezine, provide metrics; ezines produced quarterly.

Thanks in advance for your responses!
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  • Posted by cdonald on Accepted

    Although I have a few questions: Is there different content for each enewsletter? Is the 2500 list each region or total?

    I would estimate a cost at $1300-$1500 each quarter with a commitment of 4 quarters. THis is for a fully managed enewsletter with content provided by you.

    We actually do this on a regular basis for clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to SMBs. Our system is setup to create multiple page newsletter with full tracking of all article pages and external links as well as opens, clicks, unsubscribe management, etc.

    Please let me know if I can be of assistance.

    Chris Donald
    VP Sales & marketing
    Inbox Group
    [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted by SjS on Author
    Thanks Chris!

    On content -- there will be common content across each e-zine with some market-specific content.

    Distribution list -- 2,500 is the total.


  • Posted by cdonald on Member

    Then that pricing should be a good estimate.

    Cheers, Chris
  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    Paul Broni, of Inbox Interactive, is a regular contributor to this forum and I know he does this sort of thing. You might consider contacting his firm for a quote.

  • Posted by SjS on Author

    Thank you for Paul Broni's name ...

  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    You ttalk about pages back to back but will this actually be printed on paper ??

    Or is it an ezine as in only available online?

    Will it be oublished as a downloadable PDF?

    Just html pages like a mini web site?

    Or distributed in one of those super online readers that look like a real magazine with pages that fold (flash based I guess).

    If the content ia all produced in house, then you are only looking for layout ? and coding ?

    Please be a little more specific about the method of display / distribution. THen it will be easier to understand exactly what is required technically.

    Regardless, it should not cost too much to prepare if it is only design and layout work, the biggest cost is in the content and if you are producing it inhouse then you have it covered already. (even so, you should still cost it out in terms of man hours and include it in your budget).

    If you use an BPO in the Philippines or India for this work, you will get it much cheaper. estimate $500 per page.

    Good luck,


  • Posted by SjS on Author
    Thanks for your comments Matthew.

    In response to your questions:

    Our first choice is to do an ezine that looks like a real magazine, this is why I mentioned back-to-back.

    It will be available and distributed online to our target list. We want to have the pdf option as well.

    Yes, our current plan is content produced in house. We are in the very early stage of this project, therefore, ezine title and design all have to be determined.

    Thanks again,


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