
Topic: Career/Training

Need Help Asap! I'm Sick, Do I Go To Interview??

Posted by chilove88 on 500 Points
Hello all,

I have a job interview later this morning for a job that I am extremely interested in. It is right up my alley in an industry that I love and seems very promising. I had a wonderful phone interview with the hiring manager on Friday and I know I stand a very good chance at getting the job.

But, of course I got a bad cold/flu this weekend!!! I'm feeling a bit better this morning than I was yesterday but I'm still pretty weak, a bit woozy, all stuffed up, running a slight fever, coughing, sneezing and I sound like a frog. Not to mention that I look horrible with red, watery eyes and nose and this job entails some interaction with the public at trades shows and promo events.

Should I call to reschedule the interview until tomorrow (keep in mind that I'm going out of town on Wednesday morning for a week, so that might be a problem) or should I go and make the best of it??

I don't know which is the worst first impression, not making the original interview or only being at about 25% to 50% of myself at the interview because I'm so sick.

Help! I really, really, really want this job!!!

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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Call them and give them the option.

    Tell them with the cold/flu you are contagious and might run the risk of making the entire office ill. It's not the end of the world to ask for to postpone the meeting for later in the week. if they are as excited about you as you are about them, they'll be fine with it.
  • Posted on Member
    Call them and explain your condition. Given the issues of swine flu, they should appreciate your concern.

    Since you are going out of town on Wednesday, ask to see if they can reschedule for next week...

    Go Get'em!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Another option to give them (if you're able): a phone (or webcam) interview. It's not ideal, but if their schedule is inflexible it gives you a chance to put a foot in the door.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear chilove88,

    Call them. Explain the situation. Suggest they reschedule. Feel better. Go to your meeting. Knock their socks off. Get offered the position.


    I hope this helps. Feel better.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by michael on Member
    Definitely don't go. Tell them you're concern if for the health of anyone you would meet. Much better to do that than beg off shaking hands and say "sorry I've been sick". They'll immediately think you should have stayed home.

  • Posted by chilove88 on Author
    Hey all,

    Thanks so much for the advice, although I didn't follow it. I went with my instincts and loaded up on cold medicine and went to the interview. I did pretty well all considering, luckily the hiring manager did most of the talking and I got the job. I think I already had the job after our phone interview on Friday because he really didn't ask me anything at all, he was just explaining all about their product and company.

    I'm so excited!!

    Thanks guys!!

    Now I'm heading back to bed. :-)

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    It's just like going to work. Would you go to work and subject your co-workers to your cough, sneeze and mucus?

    So call and ask to move the meeting back a few days. A cold or 'flu should be gone within seven days - reschedule for then.

    And if they insist you come in for the interview no matter how ill you sound - you probably should not be contemplating working for them.
  • Posted on Member
    Congratulations on getting the job :)

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