
Topic: E-Marketing

Esps And Filemaker

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi everyone,

I mostly work with solo-professionals who don't have this problem, so I need some help figuring out some options for a large client with some database issues.

This client uses Filemaker for their very intricate in-house database of about 60,000.

What they do now when they email is to grab a segmented list from Filemaker for each email blast, and upload it for that blast. The lists change for every blast. They've been taking the unsubscribe/hard bounce info for each blast and manually unsubscribing each one in Filemaker. Only they're super short-staffed, and it's not really happening consistently. In either case, it's obviously too time-consuming to continue in that fashion.

They are looking for an outside ESP who can (not sure I have the right language here) coordinate w/ their Filemaker database so that the two, the DB and the ESP automatically "talk" to each other.

They say they DON'T want to have a web-based database. And it's not an option to manage their lists exclusively through an ESP. They need that in-house database for other purposes.

Any suggestions I can pass along to them?

Thank you!

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  • Posted on Accepted
    I *think* you need a script to de-dupe the list. My guess is you'd have to download the opt-out file, then run the script to remove the duplicates.

    Filemaker has a support forum which might help you. I took a quick look around and found this:

    If that makes your head hurt (it does mine) ask a question on that forum, or contact them and see if they can help you out.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    Any ESP that offers an API (application programming interface) should be able to handle your needs.

    Of course, some APIs are easier to work with than others.

    You'll need to understand exactly how the API works; what sort of skills are required on your end; whether the resources necessary are available within the client, the ESP, or through a freelancer; the cost of all of the above, etc.

    Also, be double-sure that the ESP you use has the functionality you need, because once you incur the time and expense of setting up that API, you're going to be loathe to switch.

    Good luck!
  • Posted by Markitek on Member
    I would be surprised if you find that you have trouble connecting with an email esp that can integrate with your filemaker list. There will be issues of shared access and permissions but a good provider will have a solution for that. Alternatively, you could just go back and forth with export/import of the file, but that can become a pain.

    I've heard good things about listrak but have never used them.

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