
Topic: E-Marketing

Are Embedded Email Signups Better Than Popups?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Do you get more signups on your web marketing pages if you have a:

-embedded signup form versus a popup or sliding signup form
-if that signup form is on the top, middle right, or other place on the web page.

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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    i HATE POP UPS, but i have to admit i have signed up to a couple of newsletters that had pop ups pop up when you leave the site.

    an example would be .

    hope this helps

    have a niceday

    Carl Crawford :)
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Pop-ups are a sure way to alienate a significant number of website visitors. Why do that to yourself? Even if it did get more subscribers (which it probably wouldn't), you lose all the people who might come back because they are annoyed by your pop-up.

    Of course, earlier input that says pop-up blockers are gaining in popularity will probably make this an academic question. Not only will many never see the pop-up, but some percentage of those who do will be turned off to your company.

    You don't want that, do you?
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Popups have always semed to me to be the tool of the pornographer.

    That aside, with Windows XP SP2 being released, almost everyone will have an inbuilt pop-up blocker (and one that works!) so I feel the era of the popup as a mechanism to gain attention and provide a call to action is coming to a swift and sticky end.

    Go embedded. Avoid being blocked. And provide multiple sign-up opportunities by making the sign-up accessible from anywhere on your website!

    WinXP SP2 = the pop-up constipator!

    Hope this helps


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