
Topic: Career/Training

In Search Of A Good Certificate Program

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I recently started a job as a marketing coordinator for a large manufacturing company. While I have some marketing experience and will be able to learn on the job, I would love to take some classes to learn the fundamentals and possibly further my career. I have a background in management and so would like to head that direction in the marketing field.

Can anyone recommend a quality certificate program that is respected? Or would simply taking college-level classes in marketing be better? I have no college credits to date and probably would not be able to finish a degree program anytime soon.

Thoughts and advice will be greatly appreciated!
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I would advise you to take college courses and pursue an Associates Degree....if you must have a certificate.

    Ultimately, your experience, performance, and ethics are going to outweigh any certificate. Start reading up (all the articles on theis site), books by Seth Godin, Jay Levinson, Ben McConnell, Jackie Huba, etc.

    Here are some other informative links:

    I hope this helps! Good Luck!!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    P.S. The degree is not really necesary, but can be achieved easily. Just concentrate on the classes that will enrich your carreer: marketing, business, foreign language, english composition, creative writing, statistics, and even get into some Chemistry and Physics...good problem solving skill builders.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    I would just like to chime in with some of Jett's great ideas. Find your way to one of the following sites below and eat off the kings table. This information will grow you historically and then it will grow you with current events that relate to marketing. Pour your heart into your dream and if you need to get a certificate go to school online and then grow yourself through digging into Marketingprofs.

    This is enough to get your started and if you are interested in more let me know. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    The Business Marketing Association has a cerification program.

    Local universities also offer certification programs. In the SF Bay Area, the UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz extension programs both offer these. Perhaps there are in your area?

    The Association of International Product and Marketing Managers also has a certification program.

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