
Topic: Taglines/Names

Please Name My Cleaning Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I don't want to use my own name as part of my business name is over done by many house cleaning businesses. I can't Brainstorm and come up with a name that helps you stand out of the crowd so please help me with any suggestions.

I do clean residential and small offices as well. I like to be very picky about my cleaning meaning that everything will be perfectly clean before I leave the house. so I would love to use the word PICKY as part of my business name. I like a lot also NITTY GRITTY but someone else here in my town has it already but maybe I think I be able to use any of these words nitty or gritty but not together. do you have any ideas with these words as well please let me know... Oh please do not use maid for it as I don't like it. thank you and I will appreciated for your time and help:)

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  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    NitPicky Dirt Magnets
    No Space Too Small or Too Dirty!

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    You asked this question before and got a range of answers. (See earlier question.)

    Before we do this again, perhaps you can tell us how you're going to know when we come up with the right name? What criteria will you use to pick a winner? If we know what the selection criteria are going to be, there's a much better chance we can help you.

    Weren't the last responses OK? What did you want that you didn't get?
  • Posted on Member
    Picky Housewives
    Real Picky Housewives
    Desperately Picky (I think most will get the play on words)
    Properly Picky

    You could add "cleaning" onto those.....

  • Posted on Member
    Squeaky & Picky
  • Posted on Author
    thank you to all participants in helping me with my question.
    thank you to Phil I like Picky Clean the only thing is that if I use it I have to add or change the word clean to Kleen maybe for the website domain because I think Picky Clean is been taken. thanks

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