
Topic: E-Marketing

Online Training

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We offer technical training on a variety of subjects relating to rotating machinery. Usually this training is provided face to face in a class room setting or in a plant.

We are interested in offering training sessions online to customers in various parts of the world. This would be an efficient and economical way of providing training without having to travel.

I am most interested in hearing from you all on:

1. Is this feasible?

2. If yes does anyone gave suggestions on how to go about doing it?

3. Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing?

Thank you.

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Hello! I will respond to your questions in order:

    1. Yes

    2. I think companies such as Zephyr Salvo are certainly good choices. Of course, there are several companies who can produce training CD/DVDs. Combining video with interactive controls (play, stop, contents, help files, etc.) is probably the most cost effective solution versus paying an artist to animate every stage.

    In addition, I think it would be wise to host an online testing schedule on a secured server that is timed, monitored etc. Plus, some kind of "textbook" for people to reference and study would increase the quality of the training and the service.

    One thing that concerns me is the lack of face-to-face observation of a trainee operating the machines. When I was taking organic chemistry and quantitative analysis in college, there were kids who could read and score well on the tests, but in the lab...let's just say I stayed as far away as possible (and close to the door). Why? Some people can ace written testing, but when it comes to mechanics...they are all thumbs. This holds true for doctors and surgeons as well. Some may graduate at the top of their class, but are horrible at actual performance.

    In light of this observation, it may be worth your time to have a trainer/test facilitator travel to observe the final evaluations.

    Another option that comes to mind is partnering with Vo-Tech colleges who may have the equipment for students to work on. Perhaps you can work out a special arrangement with the schools to allow the trainees access to the equipment in the presence of an instructor for a profit share.

    3. I haven't had experience with the exact sort of project, but I have produced interactive and demo CD/DVDs for products. Nonetheless, as you can see from my comments above, a project of this fashion is not outside the realms of our capabilities.

    Feel free to contact me should you require professional assistance (Just click on my name).

    Thank You and Good Luck!

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