
Topic: E-Marketing

How Do We Do The Marketing Of An Investment Firm

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
how to market an investment firm in social networking sites
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear yugantar_83,

    Your question's a tad vague. Please give us more information. What investment firm? Investing in what? To achieve what goal, for whom, over what time period?

    Why social media? Why marketing? There's one SINGLE point you're missing with regard to social media, what do you think it is? Hint: it's not the "media" part.

    Think things through more and come back laden with detail.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    For some ideas, take a look at your competition to see what they're doing.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Compeitive analysis always helps.
  • Posted on Accepted
    depDepends on the targeted group! I have been working with a real estate developer and I’ve deal with a lot of investment funds.
    So, to get them to know my products I made a “professional presentation” for my products and for my company following the interest zone (macroeconomic data, yields, etc.). You can do the same; just follow your “customer” need and they will came to you.
    A good strategy is to be in the same place and time as they are (trade fairs, banks, seminars, conference etc.). I attended to so much pointless seminars that I can’t even remember the themes but, those seminars and conferences get me together with my target. Is cheap and can get you a quick feedback.

    Remember...for creation “the sky is the limit”!

    I hope you catch the idea and it would be helpful!
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    Target Target Target,

    You are not selling Coca Cola, you need an absolute laser sharp focus on your target market.

    What kind of financial services are you selling? to whom? and where are they?

    There are so many different kinds of financial products, the fact that you mentioned services indicates that you have more than one service.

    1 service = 1 marketing strategy and 1 target buyer

    the guy who buys a mortgage is not the same guy who buys a mutual fund.

    You can possibly find some clients via social media BUT and it is a very big BUT. it is only one tiny part of your entire marketing mix.

    SEO, CPC, CPL, CPA, Affiliate campaigns, email list marketing, and and and.

    Remeber that for SEO for instance, you need separate campaigns and separate key word optimisation FOR EACH service that you offer, there is no such thing as a generic campaign that brings visitors to your site. Each and every visitor must arrive for a specific reason and be directed to a very specific page within your site to see the product that they need. Otherwsie you are just throwing your marketing budget away.

    Don't hesitate to get in touch if you need help or advise.

    Good luck,


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