
Topic: Career/Training

Names Of Temp Agencies Hiring For Market Research?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have training in SAS and I have completed my MBA. From my past career, I have experience in statistical analysis. I want to work in marketing analytics and several companies have interviewed me. They want to see more experience on my resume in a corporate context. I am trying to arrange a coop project at California State University@Hayward and need a buy-in from a company. Does anybody know any company which would like to take advantage of a coop program? The benefit for the company is really low cost training and project completed.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Check out the following sites:

    They have market reasearch jobs, though I am not sure if they have any temp positions.

    Also see if you can find a copy of the Book of Lists (there is one for Silicon Valley and another for San Francisco, perhaps also one for the East Bay). You local library should have. They are published by the San Francisco Business Times and Silicon Valley Business Times. I think they have a category on the largest market research firms in the area, which could be good leads for you.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You're looking through the wrong end of the telescope. Instead of asking, "Who wants what I have to sell?," try asking "Whose problem can I solve uniquely well?"

    Do your research and find a company with a problem that your skills can address, then give them a "trial size" to show them why you are the one to solve their problem. That's the way to get the assignment you're looking for.

    If you want to read more about this marketing-oriented approach, pick up a copy of "Rasputin For Hire." There's a whole chapter about the importance of doing your homework and solving a client's biggest problem. (

    Good luck.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Rather than approaching major corporations directly, have you considered offering your "coop" marketing analytic services to one or more advertising agencies, who could quickly plug you in to several projects at large companies.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted

    Try calling a few of the bigger ad agencies in your city and ask for the name of the Group Account Directors. speak to each one in turn - they control and manage the agency's work with each client, and each GAD manages a group of clients, so you will be covering a lot of bases in each phone call.

    Which city are you in? Maybe someone here can point you to a suitable agency.

    Fill in your profile when you have time, then people here will be more able to help with targeted responses!

    Good Luck.

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