
Topic: E-Marketing

Web Based Marketing

Posted by baz_ent on 250 Points
Hello Marketers
Iam about opening a website that provide trade recommendation for people that trade forex ,and fixed odds. Please what are the best strategies i cann use to get clients to subscibe online?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Your first step needs to be understanding your primary target audience. Who are they? Where do they live? What are they doing now when it comes to trading? Who do they trust? What are their greatest fears? How do they make decisions -- both for trading and for accepting/rejecting advice? What publications do they read and what websites do they visit?

    The goal should be to identify the narrowest target audience you can. You're better off getting 100% of a small target than .001% of a large one ... and it will cost you a lot less too.

    Have you developed a business plan for your business? Do you know what success looks like for you? Are you prepared to invest enough time and money to achieve your success goals?

    We can definitely help, but we need some basic information first. Start with the definition of your primary target audience and their needs. Then we'll move on to the unique and important benefit you offer them.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear baz_ent,

    Making money online, it's easy: find a product, bang up a website, and wait for the cash to roll in. And wait. And wait. And so on.

    The point here is that making money online ISN'T easy. The days of putting up a site and having money coming out of your ears within days are gone, if they ever existed.

    The bad news is that 95 percent of new online start ups fail. Either that or the thousands of dollars they thought they were going to see roll in every day elude them.

    Here's why.

    If you're about to open any kind of online store and you've yet to figure out how to attract online subscribers, your chances of success are slim.

    Why? Because you have nothing of value to offer them and, it appears, no real way of delivering whatever you don't have.

    That's not good.

    Why the Forex market? Why now? Why you? What is it that you offer (in terms of benefits, values, and expertise) that makes you a) worth looking at, and b), worth buying from?

    Lots of people jump on the Forex band wagon thinking it's going to make them rich. They're wrong. True, certain people DO make lots of money, but mostly through MLM schemes and thinly disguised pyramid programs.

    To build a list, to get people to opt in you must offer ten times the value, you must offer astonishing, loss leader type benefits, and you must gain people's trust.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You start by giving your information away to early subscribers. Prove that your knowledge is worth paying for. Document all of your recommendations (ideally, have an independent 3rd party certify them by date/result). Get testimonials from people that followed your suggestions. And continue to prove yourself worth your subscription fee.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    You will need a good product, followed by quality content, followed by traffic. Getting traffic is key.
  • Posted by baz_ent on Author
    Thanks to all contributors, i appreciate your kind response. Remain blessed

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