
Topic: Career/Training

New Business Development

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I have a small boutique Marketing agency specializing in Sports. I am looking for more creative ways to generate new business. We are seeking any ideas beyond the traditional approach of just sending out proposals. Please go to to better understand our capabilities and services.
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    One thing I would definately do would be to search out complementary companies selling to the same target market and develop a referral network.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    My suggestion would be to spend a lot of time up-front researching your target client, then write a proposal that is so well targeted at his/her/its needs that they feel compelled to at least give you a shot at it.

    It will take a lot more time than just sending out boilerplate proposals, but the hit rate will be so much greater that you'll end up better off in the end. Instead of spending your time generating "generic" proposals, you'll spend it deep-diving just a few high-potential clients, where you are uniquely well positioned to solve their problems and make a significant contribution to their business.

    This is at the core of the approach recommended in "Rasputin For Hire" (www.rasputinforhire), and it's been my personal experience that the targeted, rifle-shot approach beats the shotgun approach every time.

    Good luck.

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