
Topic: E-Marketing

Cost Of An Ad In My Website?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
How to determine the cost of an ad in my website?
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  • Posted by Deep Janardhanan on Member
    The cost of any commodity is the price people are willing to pay for the perceived value it provides.

    How much are people willing to pay for ads?

    It will basically depend on how much targeted traffic you get and how well you are able to present the value proposition to your advertisers.

    Find what others are charging for similar and you will have a starting point.

    Then you can go up or down as you see fit. Personally, I always love up.

  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member

    In other words, advertisers wil pay for clicks the same as they do on Google

    Agree a price 0.10? 0.40 ? 1.00 per click?

    Everything is negotiable with the advertiser.

    If you are successful at bringing traffic and displaying the add, then you will earn.

    Simple as that.

    THe best way however is to work with the affiliatye companies. It is free to join, you just sign up online and they will find all the advertisers for you and keep your available ad spaces filled.

    TRade DOubler
    Commission Junction
    and and and There are hundreds.

    It is all about traffic and relevancy. If you have traffic the advertisers will want in - if you have no trafic, then nobody cares :))

    Good luck.


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