
Topic: E-Marketing

Design Of Interactive Kiosks

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi all,

I need to get up to speed on the design of interactive kiosks. We've have limited experience with designing them in flash but its been a long time and I'm sure the industry standards and practices have changed. Can anyone point me to a good online resource that discusses this topic and explores the various options?

Thanks for your help, it is certainly appreciated!

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I bet you can find a lot of info at and .

    I hope this helps.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Chris, you probably need to look at usability resources. Their principles should apply equally well to website, software, and kiosk design.

    One of my favorite resources is a team in Boston (see, and they are prolific publishers and conference hosts. Right now their home page has a link to a $35 report on Flash interfaces. Get it! My experience with UIE's material is that it is well-researched, actually fun to read, and the recommendations that they make are practical. (Too many other resources are so academic they make my eyes roll.)

    - Shelley
  • Posted on Accepted
    My father owned a company called Touch Controls, Inc. (sold it a few years back to Dolch). They manufacture kiosks and software. They've got lots of documents online that might help you out.

    related site

    Send me an email if you require more info, and I'll look into it.

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