
Topic: Student Questions

How Do I Market Ramps To The Disabled?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I need to formulate a marketing plan for an affordable ramp system that will benefit the disabled, providing easy acess to their homes.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi ktebbe,

    this question has been asked many times, all you need to do is click on the Search Questins link ( NOT the box at the top of the page) and type marketing plan.

    here is the list of inks that i have found:

    just look down the list untill you see a question title that fits what ou need eg Marketing Plan templae , or marketing plan.

    have a nice day

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Ktebbe, welcome to the forum!

    I'll have to disagree with Carl. Your question has NOT been asked here many times.

    Can you tell us more about your question? Is this a student assignment, or are you actually working in the healthcare industry?

    If you're looking for general help with a marketing plan outline, you can follow Carl's advice and use the Search Questions link on the right side of this page. Otherwise, give us some more detail and perhaps we can help you better.

    - Shelley
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I think your best bet is going to be a presentation and and contractual campaign with local Handicapped Associations of XXXXXX ("XXXXXX" being the city, state, etc).

    You see, not that many handicapped are poor, but many depend on the protection and assistance of Handicapped Organizations, Government grants, etc. If you can prove the value to the Board of one or more of these major organizations..perhaps offer a promotion (like X% of sales go to the organzation) , they may recommend you to their members and/or open doors for government contracts for Public service ramps, Welfare assistance, etc.

    Try to team up with Brace shops, and prosthetic companies as well. They see "handicapped" people everyday!

    I hope this helps. Good Luck!!
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi ktebbe

    i agree with the queires of Zahid, we need more information to help you.

    nvertheless, jett's ideas are great. adding to that you can get in touch with the local "Diabled Veterans' Association" to tie them up for promoting your product amongst their members.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    sorry for the spelling mistake.

    i suggested "Disabled Veterans' Association"
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    Who are you? In which business are you? Transportation, comfort, mobility,...
    What do you do? Affordable ramps
    Where are you? National, global,...
    Strategic Vision? The most recognize brand, the most useful product, the best service,...
    Company Values? Honesty, Genuine, Attitude, Service,....
    Business History and Description?
    Description of Product/Service? Ramp system for disabled people that provided easy access to homes and public spaces.
    Advantages of Product/Service: easy access, convenience, prize, low heavy, easy to install,...
    Proprietary Features? Material, type of uses, designs,...
    Industry Overview? Competitors, differences between each one,...
    Company Niche? Home ramps,...
    Industry Trends? Materials, designs,
    Target Market Demographics (Customer Description)? Disabled people, younger, older,...
    Market Size and Potential?
    Pricing Strategy and Positioning?
    Advertising? Associations, supermarkets, events, Internet,...
    Comparison of Strengths and Weaknesses?
    Sales Process Description?
    Distribution Channels?
    Service and Warranty Policies?

    And so on,....


    Juan Carlos

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