
Topic: Student Questions

How To Make A Marketing Plan

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
a marketing plan focusing on sales promotion
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Read your text book - I'm sure the class you're in has covered how to do a marketing plan. If not, go to the library. There are thousands of books on the subject. Or at least do a Google search. You'll find thousands of hits and hundreds of templates. In Word, if you search the templates, you'll find a marketing plan. If you searched this forum, you'd find hundreds of other questions on marketing plans on which to draw. Not only that, there's an application on here that's free to members to guide you through a marketing plan. How about you put a little work into your assignments.

    This forum is not for getting your homework done. You are expected to put forth some work first and then we will be glad to discuss details with you.

    Please read the important guidelines of the forum:

    In particular, please read #5:

    Experts are happy to help students explore their thoughts, but they will not do their assignments for them. If you are a student, be sure to share your own ideas along with your question.

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear cansicio_jk,

    Visit the library. Read some books. Figure this out for yourself.

    If you are running a business what steps might YOU take to put your message in front of the people most inclined to buy your goods and services?

    When you're shopping for goods and services, what attracts YOU to any given supplier?

    Or, at the VERY LEAST type your search into Google because this forum is NOT a place to come to to get your homework done. That, and your tutors READ THIS FORUM!

    Think about that for a second. Then think how you'd feel if you were a tutor and all your students showed up in one place expecting to be spoon fed the answers to some pretty basic questions.

    Make an effort to help yourself. If you cannot do this now, how much more will you be inclined to do it when you're out in the work place? Take the time and put in the effort. You'll thank me for this one day.

    Gary Bloomer

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