
Topic: Student Questions


Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
is exclusive distribution for FMCGs preffered by the marketers? and in what type of markets it is preffered?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    How many people are in your class??? This is the fourth or fifth time this question has been asked on here. You're not putting enough work into your assignment to even do a search to see if the answer is here and instead, you're asking us to do your assignment?

    If you can cut and paste your homework on here, I'll reciprocate by putting as little effort out to you and cut and paste my previous answer. Enjoy.

    You are mistaken on the purpose of this forum. It's not to please answer your homework problems. If you just want the answers to your homework problems, call your buddies in class that actually read the text and work to complete their homework and copy their answers. By coming here and asking the tens of thousands of marketing professionals to provide you the answers, that's exactly what you're doing - copying down someone else's answers and claiming them as your own. I believe that would be an ethics violation at your university. Did you know that professors monitor this forum so they can catch students like you in an ethics violation? Best case, you don't get caught - all you do is fail to learn! Or your professor catches you and fails you on this problem, this assignment, or worst case, expels you. I don't think you want to that. Please see the important guidelines for this forum:

    In particular, please see #5: Experts are happy to help students explore their thoughts, but they will not do their assignments for them. If you are a student, be sure to share your own ideas along with your question.

    You're missing the point of this forum and you're wasting one of the most valuable resources in your career! The way to use this forum is for you to provide your answer and invite us to discuss it with you. In this way, you'll learn by actually doing work yourself and then again when you have a thoughtful discussion with experienced professionals. If you reference the discussion in your answer, you can even benefit for showing the initiative to "take it one step further" and show your professor you actually care to learn versus just get through the course by doing the minimum effort.

    If you would care to provide your analysis here first and give us your opinion, we'd be glad to join you in a meaningful discussion. Your move.

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear masad_nisar,

    This is getting out of hand!

    Tell EVERYONE IN YOUR CLASS (because they've ALL asked
    the same bloody question) to do their own research.

    Cribbing answers to what is so obviously your homework assignment does NOT make you "smart", nor is it a shortcut: it makes you (and everyone in your class) a bone idle idiot. An educated idiot, yes perhaps, but still an idiot.

    Your professors READ this forum. The contributors of this forum are NOT halfwits, nor are they your research assistants, or your own personal marketing serfs.

    Make an attempt to help yourself.

    The phrase "Explain in detail, marketing management philosophies and or, concepts" isn't a question, nor, as a statement, does it do you any favours.

    You need to explain in detail YOUR understanding of marketing philosophies and then you need to qualify those thoughts with additional context and offer some proof that you even understand what it is you're studying.

    At the moment you're opening yourself up to a great deal of flak which, given your apparent inability to help yourself, is well deserved.

    If you intend to make ANY headway in marketing in any country and for any employer you need to be of use. This means you have to actually be WILLING to THINK FOR YOURSELF.

    If you cannot or will not do this, might you want to seriously examine why it is you're pursuing any kind of further education?

    True, no doubt you don't want to read any of this, either from me or from any other contributors. But you're short changing your future, you're revealing yourself to be somewhat less than employable, and you're setting any kind of example for anyone.

    Harsh? Yes. Unjustified? Not at all. Warranted? Yes, if you're ever going to help yourself, yes it is.

    So, get off your ass and do some work. Use the library. Form an original opinion. Create elements of original thought. Take a stand on the issues you're studying and get yourself remembered for taking action to help yourself.

    To quote Wayde: Your move.

    Gary Bloomer

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