
Topic: Career/Training

Six Months Seo Training

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I want to know how should i start learning Seo,what basic things i must know before i start working on any site.....
Instead of SEO training should I try and train my self up with all the SEO tips that i find here on the internet.
what would be the best way of starting my studies related to onsite and offsite optimisation....

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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    There is a wealth of SEO information on the web. Ignore the advertisement peicies and reald the articles and tutorials listed.

    Learn to use Google/analytics
    Pick some key words and start building

  • Posted by thecynicalmarketer on Accepted
    Train and learn! But don’t stop there. It is a constantly evolving field, and the technology involved and the methods that the big search engines use undergoes constant change. You have to be committed to stay current in the field.

    You can start right here with MarketingProfs. They have a wealth of information in the subject. Marketing Sherpa is also a great source. In addition, many Universities are now starting programs in online marketing (including SEO)

    Best of Luck, JohnnyB.
    if you like the advice, read the blog,

  • Posted on Accepted
    I would suggest identifying a few sites or bloggers that constantly post good information on SEO and browsing through their posts.

    I've been in SEO for years and am also self-taught. My favorite sites are the blogs at,, and Google Webmaster Central Blog. has a training program that's a little pricey but is well worth a month or two of membership if you've got the time to dive into it.

    There's also a book... SEO for Dummies which is a good place to start. It's written by Bruce Clay who is one of the world's leading SEO's. It's about 700 pages, all dedicated to SEO.

    Hope this helps,

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