
Topic: Student Questions

How To Make An Executive Summary?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I've been doing the Nestle Italy case study ; I would like to seek your help on doing the marketing plan, perhaps you could provide me possible solutions to this case. If there is aybody who knows about this . please give some tips on how to do it.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    There are some great examples at and .

    Also try the following:

    Use the site search funtion here at MP to look for articles. There are a TON of tutorials and informative articles here.

    I hope this helps!

    Good Luck!

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi tess_bico,

    just a small note

    CLICK ON THE SEARCH QUESTIONS link NOT the little box at the top!!!!!!

    hope this helps

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi tess_bico,

    Writing an Executive Summary

    An executive summary should:
    • provide a succinct, one page account of the report
    • outline the objectives of the report
    • explain the background to the problem
    • discuss the key issues and themes identified in the analysis
    • list the key recommendations of the report
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Your subject says executive summary, but the body of your question says marketing plan. You';ll find lots on marketing plans at the sites which Jett talks above in his response.

    An executive summary should be a quick summary of what the report says. Basically, it should be what someone at a very high level needs to know about this. It should be less than a page (and often no more than a paragraph or two). It should contain a brief statement of the problem and what your recommended solution is. All the details are in the body, so are not included in Executive Sumnmary.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Plus, the Executive Summary should summarise the content of the main report.

    It should not contain new or different information!

    Your questions asks for possible solutions to the case - where can we read the case? Or can you summarise the key points indicating what problem you need solved, exactly?


  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Think of the executive summary as the "elevator speech" for the full plan. Tell the reader in a few sentences what the big idea is, and what will happen (at a high level) if the plan is approved. That's it.

    It should NOT be a "teaser" to try to get someone to read the whole plan, and it should not, as ChrisB said, contain any new or different information [that what is in the plan document itself].

    In some cases, the "Executive Summary" will be an abbreviated version of the section of the plan called "Strategic Overview" (or words to that effect).

    Hope this helps.

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