
Topic: Student Questions

Dissertation Topic

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear All:

i was windering if you could help me to re-phrase the below dissertation topic in an academic style, knwing that my tutor asked me to ask an academic question,

topic is:

How beauty consumer behavior affected positively the growth of retailers during the recession?

do you recommend other topics that is purely academic

pls help

best regards

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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Walid,

    It's not necessary to give a question an academic overtone
    simply to sound clever. All those big words: synergy, methodology, paradigm and so on? Know what they are?

    Fluff. All of them. Nobody talks like that. At least, not in the real world.

    I spent five years reading artists' statements and every single
    one of them was filled with nonsense about counterpointing the surrealism of the underlying metaphor through intrinsically observed obfuscations.

    But, if you insist. Why? Because I can bullshit with the best of them!

    How's this:

    "Describe Key Customer Growth Indicators Relative to Product Selection Metrics and Modifiers Observed Through Radically Externalized Economic Pressure Points"

    I hope that's pompous enough for your tutor. Good luck.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted

    "...affected positively the growth..." that's a little redundant.

    I'm thinking that the real discovery here is that during a recession, beauty products consumers actually buy more in a time where most consumers are buying less, correct? This inverse relationship is somewhat counter-intuitive. Not only is it interesting to understand that is IS so, but why? To any marketer, this would be interesting. And in particular, to anyone selling beauty products and services, this would be a vital piece of information. Extending this, should these people expect a "downturn" in the beauty market as the world recovers from recession? Interesting, huh?

    So for a title, how about this: Understanding the Beauty Consumer Spending Increase During a Recession and Why Preparing for an Industry Downturn During Economic Recovery is Warranted

    What do you think?

  • Posted on Author
    thx a lot Wayde,

    actually am not sure that the tutor will consider this topic as an academic one, i think he wants me to address a topic that illustrates general question about consumer behavior and then mention the case of beauty product within the body of the piece, frankly am a bit lost

    thx anyway
  • Posted on Author
    thx a lot to all of you, i shall try with my tutor

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