
Topic: Student Questions

Student Needs Help With Value Laddering

Posted by telemoxie on 2000 Points
Rachel needs help with a question on "Value Laddering" - I have no idea what this is, and no time to research it... but since she has been so refreshingly open and honest in her request for help, I'll throw a couple thousand points her way...

Please see her recent post - help her with specific info if you can, we'll figure out how to transfer the points later on. Thanks.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    telemoxie YOU ARE THE MAN!!! i took me quite a while to get Rachel to try out the forum and post a few responses. i had been telling her for quite some time to ask a question. i told her what great people roam in this wonderful place.

    i too also am having a little trouble with the concept of "value laddering". the way the text book describes it is that you sit a person down and then ask a question about there feelings toward a product. then after every time you they answer you ask "why" like a little child.

    i will add 500 point to this was well because Rachel and i both need help.

    Carl Crawford

    ps don’t give me any points because me and Rachel had a talk and we still are not quite sure what it is.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted

    Here is a link that will help you out:

    Go to page 8 and you will find an excellent example of the value laddering method. Read through it and apply it to your situation and you should be good to go.

    How will Rachel know about this posting?

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    There is a Procter & Gamble alum who is now consulting in market research, and he has done an excellent job of applying the laddering technique to areas other than consumer packaged goods (e.g., B2B). He has written some white papers on the subject, and they could be an excellent resource for this subject.

    His name is Scott Seidewitz, and the company is The Seidewitz Group. ( I actually found Scott as a result of a response to MY question on this forum on a related topic. You can find Scott's contact information on the website.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Author
    Rachel - is this the information that you need? Do you have any more specific questions?

    Everyone: thanks for comments so far - keep 'em coming.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Author
    Thanks, everyone, for the team effort.

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