
Topic: E-Marketing

Paypal&clickbank's Discrimination Against Nigeria

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Can someone assist me on how to market my e-books to global online community with the non-listing of my country Nigeria on the websites of both and

Sulaiman Dave Bola-Babs
Lagos, Nigeria
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Sulaiman Dave Bola-Babs,

    Many of the e-mail scams that have plagued Europe and the USA for the last ten years or so originate in Nigeria.

    They follow a similar theme: an employee of a distant bank has access to a dormant account, or to the account of a recently deceased and unknown distant relative and ALL the recipient of the e-mail has to do in order to claim their share is to provide their bank account details.

    PayPal and Clickbank are shy of deals like this, and as private companies—and whether you like it or not—they can accept or decline business from whoever they want to.

    However, here's a useful article on five alternatives to PayPal:

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Member
    As Gary pointed out, Paypal and Clickbank can choose to do business with, or refuse to do business with whomever they choose. So can I. So can you. Its this wonderful thing called freedom of choice.

    To bad so many scammers have caused the reputation of Nigeria to become what it is today. But, perhaps the change all starts with you. Register your company. Open up a real bank account in the company name. Sign up for a merchant account with Visa and MasterCard. Find an online payment processor that will work with your company and your banking system, and then start selling your ebooks direct via your web site.

    Or, consider moving. Harsh, but sometimes you have to vote with your feet.

    Good luck, and I hope you can find a way out of that mess.

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